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This module allows an administrator with "administer taxonomy" permission to delegate the administration of a vocabulary to a non-admin role.

The role to which this authority has been delegated may add, modify, and delete terms from a vocabulary. They may, not however, modify the vocabulary itself, nor may they create new vocabularies.

Given that Forums are controlled by a vocabulary, one might give the ability to control them to someone who has no other administrative rights. They can then change the "containers" (parent terms) and forums (child terms). Other popular modules that are vocabulary driven are Image Gallery and Glossary, so they are functions that can be easily delegated. There are many ways in which this module can help.

Version Status

With the increasing adoption of Drupal 6 and the maturing of D7, we feel the time has come to place our 5.x version into “maintenance only” mode. From now until we release a 7.x version there will be no new development on the 5.x version; we will, however, provide a “best effort” to fix bugs.

NOTE: Changes to the Drupal 7 system may make this module unnecessary on D7. Investigation continues...


I run the translation extractor when I update the module, so if someone wants to provide translations, the template is available. Please open a feature request with the translation (.po) module.


This module's development was underwritten by Seblin Hosting for a project I was working on for them. They were gracious enough to allow me to contribute it to the Drupal community.

Development version status

The development versions (-dev, which rolls up at Noon and Midnight GMT) are where the newest stuff is, including any bug fixes and new features. We try to make sure it is tested before we commit anything, but occasionally a bug will get by us. Your help on testing this code is greatly appreciated. The translation templates may not always be up-to-date in the dev releases.

Current Features being tested in Development

Project information
